Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Images from my backyard

Yes these pics were all taken in my backyard just this morning. Please don't laugh. I know the grass and weeds are like waist high. We do not normally get so much rain in the desert, so normally our backyard is a little more desert-ish. Apparently when it rains here they figure it may be awhile before they see water again, so they soak up as much as possible. LOL.

I do love the rain though... maybe it is because we do not get a lot. It just makes everything so... clear.

Anyway just thought these were interesting enough to post.

1 comment:

Olivia said...

these are all very amazing, you definately have a gift. ;) Would you be willing to shoot some pics of my kids in their Easter outfits? I want to get some professional pics done just because my mom has been nagging me to do so, but if you are willing, I love how creative you are... I know the prof one's won't be that creative.